M284230T M284210D DOUBLE CUP Timken Spherical Roller Bearing

Our highly-skilled China Lm8uu Bearing Supplier and 130.175 mm R1 factory-trained service experts have the resources to help you with all your M284230T M284210D DOUBLE CUP Timken Spherical Roller Bearing needs - including routine maintenance, major repairs, warranty service, 1/4 NPT PG 117.805 mm Ca and Thrust Tapered Roller Bearing equipment inspections.

Brand Name: Timken
Model Number: M284230T M284210D DOUBLE CUP
PG: 1/4 NPT
R1: 130.175 mm
Ca: 117.805 mm
Pa: 81.4 kN
Mass pillow block: 351 kg
H1: 241.3 mm
A1: 222.25 mm
da: 241.3 mm

Product Details

PG 1/4 NPT
R1 130.175 mm
Ca 117.805 mm
Pa 81.4 kN
Mass pillow block 351 kg
H1 241.3 mm
A1 222.25 mm
da 241.3 mm
P150° 236 kN
h 69.85 mm
Labyrinth ring 2 x LOR 178
Stabilizing ring 2 x A8898
Da 399.999 mm
Housing SSAFS 052 KA
Bearing limiting speed 1700 r/min
Initial grease fill 2749.95 g
End plug (suffix Y) X-5217-2
P180° 285 kN
L 831.85 mm
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